Our Wine

Walker Road Red Table Wine is a dry full-bodied red wine,  fermented from St Croix grapes (70%) grown in Woodbury and at a local   vineyard in  Watertown.  This allows us to crush and  process these grapes within hours of  harvesting.


The  balance of the wine (30%) is from purchased grapes, which   allows us to balance critical properties and taste.    Blending is an  important  part of wine  making with an honored tradition in all   significant winemaking regions.  This wine is completely dry, but  softened by slow cool fermentation and oak barrel storage.


In 2008, Walker Road Red Table Wine was awarded a Silver Medal at a

 major competition  including hundreds of wines submitted by  commercial wineries

throughout New York and the 5 New England states.  The competition was judged by Amenti Del Vino,   national and international wine judging organization.

Contact: Jim Frey (203) 263-0768